Tuesday, December 9, 2008


This was an effective use of quotes from an author as well as pointing very relevant points. If this was to be writing today the author would have added the auto maker’s bailout since it is a prime example of executives asking for help from the government. I will say that the reasons why these executives are paid a lot are not just their personal choice but also because many times the salary is set by the board of directors. I will say that I wish the source used would be more factual and less emotional. The terms used; “Lords of the Corporate Collectives, effete snobs, ect” tend to get in the way of the points he is trying to make. I personally think that the reason that the execs are paid so much is because they can be. This is not just a state side issue as some of the richest people in the world live overseas with some of the poorest country.

I agree with the author’s point that the best way is to not involve the government, but that they understand that there might not be another way. No solutions were given which would have been nice in this article. I liked in the closing statement where the author says, “Our country was founded on highly admirable principles, but actions speak louder than words”. It is very true that actions speak loader then words, but we must be careful on what actions we take. If we destroy the company leadership then a company will follow. Everyone needs a leader, and leaders need people to follow or nothing will get done… I just wish that we could find good leaders and give them the followers to make a difference.