Friday, September 19, 2008

Morales struggles to control Bolivia amid violence

There are strong reasons why I believe that Bolivia is headed for a civil war. President Morales has come into power hoping to change the capitalist country into a communist/socialist country. He has the poor populace while the opposition has the land and money. The problem comes when Morales wants to take all the money and land from the money making areas and give it to the poorer people. I lived in Bolivia when I was a child for about 10 months and fell in love with the Bolivian people. Many people work hard for what they have. The natives who Morales fights for have lived in the mountains for a long time and are very poor since their main sours of income is small farming of coca plants, other vegetables and begging on the streets. They tribal areas work in shifts of begging on the streets while the other group preps the field for planting. Then they all get together to harvest the food and then repeat it in the off seasons. These poor people are uneducated and many are brain damaged by the many years of drug abuse. Morales’ words of Socialistic ideals sounds appealing to these poor people, while those who are educated know that it will spell poverty for them all. The more scary thing is that Venezuela has promised that it will send troops to Bolivia to put Morales back in the presidency seat should something happen. These presidents are destroying their countries for power and money, and both are finding themselves with more and more problems as more and more people begin to have the idea that their freedoms are worth fighting for. I am both glad and sad of the new shown in this article. In one aspect I’m glad to know that the people of Bolivia are stepping up to the plate and standing their ground, but sadden as I know that lives will be lost and suffering will increase.

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