Friday, October 3, 2008

Michelle Malkin wrote this commentary on October 1st of this year about her concern that Gwen Ifill would not be a good moderator for the vice presidential debate. Malkin is a conservative columnist, book author and is a contributor for Fox news. The author states that Gwen has political interests for one political candidate over the other. I went to her web page ( ) and found a more in-depth version of her Yahoo article;_ylt=AueFtxhlf532sYLocRjYyoT9wxIF ). The website had a link which allowed the reader to see the video response of Gwen Ifill’s actual responce to Palin’s speech. The author makes a few arguments that are well stated, (the book deal, the article of the magazine, and the reaction after the speech by Ifill) but more would be better in my mind. One example of a good argument that she showed the reader was when she was quoting the Ifill’s comment on the Michelle Obama’s speech, and then contrasted that with Ifill’s reaction to the Palin speech. I thought this was a great way of proving her point. Malkin continues by showing quotes from the promotions for her book. The author goes on to tie this book’s success to a political bias which would interfere her role as a moderator. Malkin is an author of a book and can empathies with Ifill’s desire to have a successful book. I thought that the author’s argument on the article that was written by Malkin who wrote in Essence was a weak one. She should have tried hard to pick a stronger part of that article. Malkin goes on to show that Ifill claims that race also factors in her political opinion so a debate from an all white ticket vs a mixed race ticket would also cause her to be bias.

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