Friday, October 17, 2008

Klein's posting

After looking into the background of Philip Klein I discovered (not much of a surprise) that he is more of a conservative. Believing mostly in a free market economy as well as a strong national defense He has a degree in history and economics. This does play strongly into his arguments about the tax points as well as his government history points. I believe that Klein started his blog well by quoting Obama, “We are going to cut taxes for 95 percent of Americans”. Klein uses this quote nicely as he tries to “discover” how Obama’s tax plan would effect the promised 95%. Klein does a good job by quoting responses from Obama’s advisers. I was impressed with Klein since he did not just quote the person but he states his questions behind the quote. Klein continues by asking for specifies, and did not make a quick post from one comment; he waited till he had multiple comments from the Obama campaign. Klein also has more then one source for his comments. Klein then goes on to test the information he received to see if he got the same numbers that the Obama campaign report. I also believe that Klein did a good job in waiting till the end to state his political opinion till the end. He also did a good job of not bashing “too hard” on just the Democratic Party but he also the attacked the Republican Party. I did like this blog because he did a good job of attacking a political point of view and not attack a person like many other political commentaries. So in my opinion I was impressed with Klein’s blog posting.

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