Friday, November 14, 2008

Aleyda’s post in my mind was well laid out with good theory on how the system could be improved as well as putting a few number data to driver her point home. The setup of the article made sense with at first stating why early voting was worth the trouble then moved on to explain what the issues where, and finally moved to how to improve the system, while the whole time putting her opinion in it to drive her point home. The solutions she came up with hold a lot of merit, the only criticism to her solutions would how to control the security of it, the further you are away from the souse the harder it is to see if it is accurate. Aleyda did a good job of not only talking about the strain on the voting system, but the strain on the voter as well. This was a well done article that might have been a little better if she would have been able to tie in the political ramifications her policies would have. She touched on it a little but more on “more voting”, “a stronger voice of the people”, ect would have been more (sorry to be repetitive of the word) of the icing of the cake.

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