Wednesday, November 26, 2008

There has been a lot of discussion on cell phones being found in jails, especially when jails are supposed to monitor almost all of the communication that occurs between inmates, and others. They check mail, limit phone calls, and tap the phone calls made. I personally understand “where there is a will there is a way” but I’m impressed by the fact that these inmates have been able to receive cell phones. With these cell phones inmates in Brazil have planned riots, Canadians have continued business in illegal sectors, and some Texans arrange killings of eye witnesses. In war the first thing to victory is to knock out the enemy’s communication, and needless to say the United States has lost ground in the fight to control prisons because of this breakdown in the control of communication. Many wonder how inmates gain access to cell phones in the first place. The truth is that sometimes guards themselves smuggle them in. Guards are paid sometimes over $2,000 (more then a months salary) for a cell phone. Some inmates have friends through SIMM cards over the fence of a jail so the inmates can use the phones. The criminals have gone to great lengths to hide these phones, hiding them sometimes inside them selves. Jails are starting to see that it is almost impossible to stop cell phones from coming in so they are moving from defensive, to offensive. They are starting to set up anti-cell phone (Cell phone jamming equipment) technology to stop the use of cell phones. I personally believe that jailers play a constant game of cat and mouse. The inmates have nothing better to do then to think of these things, while the jail keepers have families and sometimes other jobs to think about.

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